Le Koj Group LLC

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How To Define Font and Background Color With CSS

css mini scaled

The following steps will show you how to set the font and background color with css


Named Color

  • You apply the color property by naming the color.
  • There are around 147 named colors recognized by browsers.
 element {  
    color:  colorName;  
[codepen_embed height="300" default_tab="html,result" slug_hash="wvyWoVa" user="le_koj"]See the Pen css color by Kojo Amoako (@le_koj) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Hexadecimal Color (Hex Colors)

  • A total of 7 characters represent the hex colors..
  • Declaration starts with a pound sign [ # ]
  • Followed by any combination of numbers between [0 to 9], and any letters [A to F] or [a to f]
  • The first two values after the [ # ] represents the RED value
  • The second two values represents the GREEN value
  • The third two values represents the BLUE value
element {  
    color: #F8f8f8; 
background: #4C004C; }
[codepen_embed height="300" default_tab="html,result" slug_hash="bGLegqw" user="le_koj"]See the Pen hex-colors by Kojo Amoako (@le_koj) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

RGB Color

  • RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue.
  • You specify the color in terms of how much red, green, and blue you want.
  • All 3 values are expressed with numbers between 0 and 255.
element {  
    color: rgb(amountOfRed, amountOfGreen, amountOfBlue);  
[codepen_embed height="300" default_tab="html,result" slug_hash="XWZKMNL" user="le_koj"]See the Pen rgb color by Kojo Amoako (@le_koj) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

RGBA Color

  • RGBA stands for Red, Green, Blue, Alpha.
  • You specify the color in terms of how much red, green, and blue you want
  • The Alpha specifies the opacity of the color
    • It takes a value from 0.0 to 1.0:
    • 0.0 means 0% opacity
    • 1.0 means 100% opacity
  • All 3 values are expressed with numbers between 0 and 255
element {  
    color: rgb(amountOfRed, amountOfGreen, amountOfBlue, alpha);  
[codepen_embed height="300" default_tab="html,result" slug_hash="bGLeqRM" user="le_koj"]See the Pen rgba color by Kojo Amoako (@le_koj) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

HSL Color

  • HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, Lightness
  • Hue represents the color wheel in 360 degrees
    • 0 degrees is Red
    • 120 degrees is Green
    • 240 degrees is Blue
  • Saturation is the percentage amount of gray in the color
    • 0% is the shade of Gray
    • 100% is the color itself
  • Lightness is the percentage amount of darkness and lightness
    • 0% is Black
    • 100% is White
element {  
    color: hsl(colorDegree, saturationDegree, lightnessDegree);  
[codepen_embed height="300" default_tab="html,result" slug_hash="oNELWzo" user="le_koj"]See the Pen hsl color by Kojo Amoako (@le_koj) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

HSLA Color

  • HSLA uses the same syntax as HSL, with the addition of the Alpha value
  • The Alpha value specifies the opacity of the color.
    • It takes a value from 0.0 to 1.0
    • 0.0 means 0% opacity
    • 1.0 means 100% opacity
element {  
    color: hsla(colorDegree, saturationDegree, lightnessDegree, alpha);  
[codepen_embed height="300" default_tab="html,result" slug_hash="wvyWdJZ" user="le_koj"]See the Pen hsla color by Kojo Amoako (@le_koj) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]